This is how my Sunday morning began...Well, not that particular idyllic view that is on top of this babbling but, close...But let me back up a minute. To get to THAT I first had to 1) Get so drunk on two (only two! I am such a lightweight!!) afterwork martini's (bought by the bestest boss!) that I spent three miserable hours vomiting and saying things to the boy who hearts me most (and who I, needless to say especially after this rigmarole heart the most as well) like "How can people be bulimics OR alcoholics??" and "This is going to pass, like a thunderstorm, right?" 2) Meet up with the bestest of best friends Mikey the following morning with a mouth that felt like a cotton ball and a head that was pounding in time to my footsteps...and we had a great day - just really lovely day of knocking around Andersonville and that easy feeling of spending time with an old friend eased the hangover away. 3) Get up at 4:30 in the morning. In the morning, I say! That is early, that is not "It's so late at night it's early morning" it's so early morning that it in fact feels like a nowhere time of day because really, no one should be up that early...but Mikey and Dave and I were because....Sunday morning my friend got married, on Lake Michigan and it was beautiful and worth the early morning wake up call..
This early morning led me to feel like actually the three day weekend had magically transformed into four days...not in a lovely "Oh surprise! You've been so good you get a bonus vacation day" way but in a "You get to wake up early everyday of your vacation, making the days feel like weeks and your eyes turn into little slits" way.. It was still lovely to spend time with loved ones, best friends who make me realize that distance doesn't erase the fact that they are my family, cute boys who let me nap afternoons away while they do useful things, and brides who float down a grass path making me think for a moment that maybe this marriage thing is really a bit useful, maybe there is magic in the moment that everyone you love surrounds you and confirms that you and the person you are with are in love and will be in love for a long time...
Plus, Lake Michigan at sunrise is gorgeous...jaw dropping beauty for as far as you can see...
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