1.THIS: The smug face of Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette, a movie that despite both of our better judgements Dave and I watched this weekend..I wanted to want to like it. I wanted there to be a story, I wanted it to be more than pretty pictures that signified nothing - I mean NOTHING. How could such an interesting story be so boring? How could Steve Coogan be in a movie and it be bad? These are questions that haunt a person...or a person like me. It has taken viewings of at least four episodes of The Office and a handful of Arrested Development to wash the taste of bad dvd from my mouth...

2. THAT - That feeling that settles over me when the first cold rainy night hits Chicago. It feels the same as the last day of summer vacation, a strange mix of loneliness and comfort and the electric ache of loss... It's strange and unexplainable. Riding home, a steady patter of rain hitting my face I felt peaceful and kept telling myself that the summer is not over and the winter is not officially here but part of me knew I was lying.. Needless to say I was all over the map last night but happy that I had a weekend that was full of laziness and much needed cleaning of the apartment, and the moment where I realized my friend Jess was riding on the opposite side of Damen and we shouted hello to each other over the rush of cars and, of course, full of love from friends and the boy and all that good shit kept me grounded while I felt that strange rush of feelings last night...

3. The OTHER - I am not a joiner by nature. I quit Brownies when I was eight years old for a myriad of reasons (ugly uniforms, pressure to sell cookies, bratty girls) but, mostly because I don't like groups they make me feel awkward and more alone than before I was grouped with other folks and they kind of creep me out. I also have been asked to join several theatre companies around town and always said no - because of the above reasons, because I wanted to do a bunch of different projects instead of settling down with what that company did, because I don't do stage/production management work for free... But, I met these people - these really awesome, amazing people who produce work that engages me, who want to do big things in big ways, who are led by one of my heroes (a ladyfriend who sneezes glitter and poos rainbows, she is so amazing!) and they wanted me - who definitely does not sneeze glitter or poo rainbows, who is slightly intimidated by the thought of doing big things in big ways - to join them. And I did, and they are awesome and Sunday night I hung out with them and it made my weekend!
Things that are Yay!:
1. My Birthday- Is coming! YAYAYAY for cake and presents and brunch with friends and even for turning a year older! I'm so excited!
2. Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls - So good, so heartbreaking and real and such a good memoir of a childhood of raising yourself...
3. Arrested Development - Who is funnier Lucille or Buster? GOB or Tobias?? It doesn't matter really because they are all so funny! How I heart the Arrested D!
Things that are Boo:
1. Cold Hands- The season of cold hands has begun and I am not a fan of feeling like my fingers are going to break off all the time.