Thursday, October 25, 2007


So I get a call from my Mom yesterday, she leaves a message that goes a bit like this, "Heathah (she has a wicked Massachusetts accent, for real..) I've done something I've never done before. Call me when you can." Now I heart my Mom, we talk every other day - which is way more parental contact then most of my friends have...she is the smartest lady I know. But part of me listened to that message and thought "Fuck, maybe my Mom has lost it!" I mean maybe the thing she had never done before was kill a man and in a fit of rage when her man-friend Frank didn't turn down the volume of the television (the man is 80 and deaf but refuses to admit it - this causes fights and for Wheel of Fortune to be broadcast from the tv nightly at horrendous volumes)...or maybe she had never done drugs before and was calling me high out of her mind - I mean she's my Mom, anything could happen...

So, I got out of work, biked in the wind (chanting, "please don't let me be blown over" like a mantra) down to Wellington and then back to my place and after checking that the Red Sox were handily beating the pants off of the Rockies (yipes, that was a rough game to watch and I'm no Rockies fan but talk about having your ass handed to you..) I called Mom up... I could hear the Red Sox game in the background - because she and her man-friend are perhaps the two oldest and most ardent fans, and I said, "What's shaking?" and she said "Oh Heathah! You'll never believe it! I was at the hairdressers today and she gave me a facial and then...THEN...SHE GAVE ME EYEBROWS!!!"

Yes, my Mom "got eyebrows" yesterday - I mean she always had them but they were blonde and I guess this kind hearted hairdresser dyed them back into existence. We talked about how many more exciting facial expressions she now had and how she was going to have them done again for Christmas which spontaneously led us to sing "I'll Have Eyebrows for Christmas" (which is just "I'll be home for Christmas" but with rearranged lyrics)...we are dorks and I love it!

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