Friday, February 29, 2008

Shimmy Shimmy Ya, Shimmy Yam, Shimmy Yay

There are things that are ok to do at a temp job and things that aren’t recommended. Such as, it is alright to call people the wrong name - for you are a temp and you don’t know every person (or even the history of who slept with who and who didn’t sleep with who…which leaves you better off, because seriously office gossip is the worstest). Howevs, it is NOT ALRIGHT to play any sort of game on your desktop – I know, I too loved the solitaire and free cell – and now I love the Scrabbulous (flouncy, flouncy) but, when you are an exposed admin in a cubicle that everyone walks by you must ( I repeat MUST not) give in to the temptation… It’s hard though, really….especially on a Friday afternoon.

I had a terrible dream last night/early morning. The Boy I Heart wakes up about an hour before I have to and frequently I’ll fall into the loveliest dreams (like when Shirley Temple in “The Little Princess” dreams she’s a fancy princess – yes, dreams that good. P.S. That movie still makes me cry) and most of the time I will pass back out only to be surprised by Mexican music (BEST, Most Effective alarm clock music EVER!) what seems like five minutes later. But, today that hour seemed to stretch into a lifetime and suddenly I was in a dream that was so real, so terrifyingly weirdly real that I woke up with The Cold Sweat. I hate when this happens, don’t you? It affects the whole first part of my day because I am so slow to wake up and shake off the icky feeling that the dream evoked…Oh my God Bless America I’m now talking about my dreams….oy va voy – how 15 year old girl of me…Needless to say, the dream was that I was re-hired at my old place of employment and everything was the same (Boo!) and then everything was worse than the same….it was gross.

In better news it is about two hours away from The Weekend, which is The Best news! This week has dragged by, February seems so reluctant to let go, and every gray, snowy cold day seems to shout in my ear “February will never leave!!!” But it will leave – days are getting longer and yesterday I smelled spring – it was in the air…. I can’t wait to have a weekend packed with laziness and yummers food and all sorts of good stuff.

Things that are Yay!:

1. Trader Joe’s Tomato Bisque Soup – Also known as the only tomato soup I can stand to eat. This is creamy tomato goodness!
2. Pete Seeger – I saw a documentary on the Peeeb about the wonderous Pete Seeger this week (I think it was PBS’ “American Masters” series) and he is my new hero. End of story.
3. Seeing Old Good Friendies – I have two visits from two friends I miss with my heart and soul coming up during March… I can’t wait!

Things that are Boo:
1. The Crotches down the Street - who refuse to shovel the sidewalk or to even throw salt down…they are The Suck.
2. America’s Next Top Model – It just isn’t good this year….sad times my friends….

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