Sunday, August 3, 2008

Le Sigh

What a weekend! Packed with theatre - yes, that's right I did what I never do and actually saw theatre that other people make (people who I know and heart but, I mean, all the same..). I wonder if it's painful for musicians to go to concerts or for artists to visit the MCA or if it's particular to theatre folk that the last thing we want to do (or Disclaimer: I speak for only myself lots of folks are in love with the theatre and see it all the time) is to sit in a dark space watching actors emote. Particularly as a stage manager - it's so hard for me not to count the lighting instruments in the air or think, "wow that scene shift was f'ing EPIC". Long story short I saw three great shows this weekend and it was awesome! Of course all of them closed this weekend or I would pimp them out (to you, all three readers of this long defunct now suddenly viable again blog). Speaking of pimping out - check out and come to The Spot this Thursday for some dirty 2nd Story's going to blow your mind!

The boy I heart left town this morning - which P.S. I heart him so much that I got up at bleep o'clock to drive him to Midway and then navigated the Stevenson on the way back to the city - which yeepers meepers highway driving in someone else's car makes me such a nervous Nelly that I had to put Bon Iver on my iPod and think happy thoughts just to get through it.. It's so strange when someone you share a life with is gone for a bit - it's even stranger that he is visiting the Homeland (also known as beautiful Connecticut - ah, CT in the summer, the ocean and frozen Charleston Chews and Friendly's watermelon I miss you!) which is something we usually do together but due to vacation timing (or lack of vacation for me, yay temping!) it just didn't work out that way.

It looks like I am going perm at my temp job (benefits and sick days and 401K Oh My!) and I am pretty excited to make it officially official. This is the first job I've ever worked (that wasn't stage managing) where it was actually work, like honest to god, every minute I'm doing something work. Plus the folks I work with work just as hard AND are some of the nicest people I've met in a long time. So, yay! Not taking a vacation pays off some times...

I fell on the way to work a week ago, like a clumsy doozer that I am, and scraped my right knee up pretty badly (P.S. I just had to make the L and non-L with my hands to figure out which knee I scraped...ah, lack of sleep, how well you make me function)..I haven't had serious ooky, gross wound-age like this in a while. Let me tell you knees bend and scabs don't and that's about as detailed as I'm going to get. It's healing and I hope it gets better by the time my friends Jo and Nicole's Yay! Lesbian Wedding gets here next week. Let me tell you my Bestie Mikey is coming in town for this extravaganza and I really, honestly cannot wait to see him and have some good old fashion best friend talks with him, it's going to be awesome..

The summer is almost over, it seems like it just got here and I have to say although it's been rough it's been full of nice surprises and new friends and I feel like I'm getting there - you know that feeling that happens a lot when you're younger and then tapers off to maybe a twice a year occurrence - it's that great, "I have no idea where I'm going but I'm getting there!" feeling...So yay Summerer 2008! I will eat a watermelon roll from Friendlys in your honor as soon as I get back to the East Coast!

Things that are Yay!:
1) Summer Days with Friendies
: I hung out with Heather today and it was just the bestest! I heart friends who you can just spend a lazy summer day with!
2)Good Theatre: A rariety (except for 2nd Story but what can i say? We are just good!) Good theatre makes me happy!

Things that are Boo:
1) Sweating for no reason

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