Before I begin apologizing profusely for never finding time to write my inane stories of biking mishaps and rants about public transportation (which, p.s. LADIES if you have a ginormous tote pull it in front of you when you are riding on a train. I rode for forty minutes with a Coach bag poking a hole in my side this morning, for fucks sake share space humans!) let me just say two things - 1.) Yes, the market is that bad. It is. Believe me, I work down the hall from a trading floor with a sticker that has been perputually red for the past month and YES it is that bad and YES we needed to act as a country to stop it. Believe me "Wall Street" greed got a lot of help, bitches weren't the ones signing mortgage agreements they couldn't keep. I have moved past general confusion about what the fuck is going on (because I am a theatre major and they don't really require macro-economics in a B.S. Stage Management program - it probably would have been more helpful then Acting for non-majors, but I digress..), past the daily stomach aches and panic attacks (because YES it really is that bad), to a place of innoculation - I am not rich which means I have nothing to lose, I can only do the best job I can with my life and stop freaking out... Part 2)Fall is here! OH MY GOD BLESS AMERICA I'm so happy! I heart the Fall, the leaves the sweaters, the cozying down with cute boys because it's cold good! Within the last week I have made two (TWO) apple crumbles and this where part 2 comes in. Does anyone know how to keep the apples from releasing all of their watery apple goodness while baking? I am like Queen Super Yummy Crumble Top maker - the tops of these bad boys are crisp and perfect but what lies beneath, oh friends, it is all watery...Help please all two people who read this!
So, I guess September has come and gone. I finally went home and it was sad and lovely and everything that it was supposed to be. I had a birthday that actually turned out to be one of the nicest I've had in a while thanks to good friends and hot manfriend and the cool cats who I create the art, known as the theatre, known as the 2nd Story, with... I don't know if it's particular to this time of year or time of life but I feel like I'm lagging behind lately. It seems to take mountains of energy to do simple things and I've hit a two week period where I feel like I'm constantly doing things I have to do instead of things I actually want to do. Life is puttering along though - crumbles are being made and shows are being seen and friends are being bff'd out with makes the idea of tap dancing with tin cans on my feet to earn money if the market crashes seem so insignificant...
Things that are YAY!:
1. Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson - I cannot lie I have a lady crush on Kate Atkinson - I have read almost everything she's written and it is brilliant. Really clever, engrossing novels with these characters - OH GOD these really flawed, fabulous characters....
2. Netflix Update - Flight of the Concords - Brilliant! I had heard it was so funny and now it is confirmed...the songs alone make it hilarious but the bonus of the characters is great! Mad Men - We just finished watching Season 1 and let me tell you this is a gorgeous show and the actors truly act their faces good. The Hills - Season 3 of the show that got me through Unemployment Crisis 2007 is meh..yeah, I said it it is just meh.
3. Yummy Fall Food - Crumbles and squash and baked sweet potatos!!
Things that are Boo
Being exhausticated constantly - I could Rip Van Winkle it, for real! Someday, I will pay back the Bank of Sleep for all of the hours I owe it....
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