Friday, February 29, 2008

Shimmy Shimmy Ya, Shimmy Yam, Shimmy Yay

There are things that are ok to do at a temp job and things that aren’t recommended. Such as, it is alright to call people the wrong name - for you are a temp and you don’t know every person (or even the history of who slept with who and who didn’t sleep with who…which leaves you better off, because seriously office gossip is the worstest). Howevs, it is NOT ALRIGHT to play any sort of game on your desktop – I know, I too loved the solitaire and free cell – and now I love the Scrabbulous (flouncy, flouncy) but, when you are an exposed admin in a cubicle that everyone walks by you must ( I repeat MUST not) give in to the temptation… It’s hard though, really….especially on a Friday afternoon.

I had a terrible dream last night/early morning. The Boy I Heart wakes up about an hour before I have to and frequently I’ll fall into the loveliest dreams (like when Shirley Temple in “The Little Princess” dreams she’s a fancy princess – yes, dreams that good. P.S. That movie still makes me cry) and most of the time I will pass back out only to be surprised by Mexican music (BEST, Most Effective alarm clock music EVER!) what seems like five minutes later. But, today that hour seemed to stretch into a lifetime and suddenly I was in a dream that was so real, so terrifyingly weirdly real that I woke up with The Cold Sweat. I hate when this happens, don’t you? It affects the whole first part of my day because I am so slow to wake up and shake off the icky feeling that the dream evoked…Oh my God Bless America I’m now talking about my dreams….oy va voy – how 15 year old girl of me…Needless to say, the dream was that I was re-hired at my old place of employment and everything was the same (Boo!) and then everything was worse than the same….it was gross.

In better news it is about two hours away from The Weekend, which is The Best news! This week has dragged by, February seems so reluctant to let go, and every gray, snowy cold day seems to shout in my ear “February will never leave!!!” But it will leave – days are getting longer and yesterday I smelled spring – it was in the air…. I can’t wait to have a weekend packed with laziness and yummers food and all sorts of good stuff.

Things that are Yay!:

1. Trader Joe’s Tomato Bisque Soup – Also known as the only tomato soup I can stand to eat. This is creamy tomato goodness!
2. Pete Seeger – I saw a documentary on the Peeeb about the wonderous Pete Seeger this week (I think it was PBS’ “American Masters” series) and he is my new hero. End of story.
3. Seeing Old Good Friendies – I have two visits from two friends I miss with my heart and soul coming up during March… I can’t wait!

Things that are Boo:
1. The Crotches down the Street - who refuse to shovel the sidewalk or to even throw salt down…they are The Suck.
2. America’s Next Top Model – It just isn’t good this year….sad times my friends….

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Sometimes life throws you a curveball, this is known, right? This is a cliché in the making, this still has the power to surprise me from time to time. Recently life has been a gray mix of good and bad. The winter is endless…..ENDLESS, I kid you not! Apparently this is the fifth snowiest winter Chicago has experienced since the weather service started tracking that sort of thing. It is Suck City, USA. Constantly having to wear winter clothes, giving the finger to the arctic wind while waiting to cross the street, slipping over two inches of ice covered by three inches of snow… super thumbs down. But good has been happening all around (P.S. this is usually the case, I realize this more and more as I get older, not to sound Pollyanna but for real good stuff is always happening all around us but it gets overshadowed by the bad stuff), such as what? You may ask huddled under a blanket, looking out at another gray day…Well, I’m glad you asked. My super awesome man friend (I prefer “love slave” as the correct term to call him but he balks at that so “man friend” it is, I also use the term “gentleman caller” when I’m feeling particularly swept away..) got offered a job and accepted it, which is huge – I mean ginormously awesomely huge!

The next day we heard that his best friend’s fiancée (who had only been a fiancée for a few days, and was a stage manager, and was sweet and funny and only 30) was in a coma. It’s a long terribly sad story, in fact I hadn’t used that phrase “terribly sad” in such a sincere way before this happened. She had hurt her ankle during tech, gone to the hospital to have it looked at and ended up in a coma because she had late stage leukemia and had no idea….that’s the part, the no idea, part that scares me most. We all have these secrets lurking inside of us, and we have no control over when they bloom. This weekend, I thought of my family and especially of my father who may have passed his own genetic secret on to me. We have to take care of ourselves, friends, and by we, I mean me and by taking care of ourselves I mean a whole plethora of things….Take care of ourselves and hold each other tight.

This is a bummer of a blog, I know…hmmm…let me think…Things that have made me smile lately:

1.) Barack Obama – Seriously, YouTube a speech, any speech, that Barack Obama has given lately and soak it in…The rich voice, the hopefulness that doesn’t read as hokey or trite, the electricity of change..yup I said it, the electricity of change. If that doesn’t make you smile (or cry, if say, you are like me and watching the Super Tuesday results and Barack says “WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for”)
2.) Mochi Ice Cream – I almost don’t want to post this, because then you all might go to Traders Joes and buy it…And by “it” I mean the most delicious ice cream wrapped in sticky rice that was ever dreamed of. Yay ice cream asian delites!
3.) Lost – I know it’s soooo 2002 of me to like Lost but you guys can suck it because seriously this new season of Lost is making my brain hurt with goodness!
4.) Netflix finds of recent: Lillies (BBC miniseries) – So feckin’ good! (it’s BBC Ireland so everyone has a great Liverpudlian accent)! This is the story of a family, and more specifically three sisters in said family, living in Liverpool after WWI – there is religious fervor, an illegitimate baby, a scarred navy veteran who is gay but hiding it – I mean it’s GOOD! , Band of Brothers – I rented this because of my little Ken Burn’s “The War” obsession, and I heard it was great – and it is, I mean really beautiful and touching and a ton of great actors. But, seriously, not for the faint of heart, especially for folks like me who can’t even bear to watch the fake surgery scenes on “ER”. The Boy I Heart and I watched an episode Saturday night where the writers seemed to have a vendetta against limbs because every other shot was someones legs being blown off. Howevs, this is history and it is great!, and finally “Across the Universe” which looked pretty cool (The Beatles + Julie Taymor would = awesometown, one would think) but, just tried toooo hard and had no plot and wasted good moments by making them overblown and felt contrived and did I say it was too long, well it was toooo long…

I hope you are all doing well friends – hold on to the good, and take care of yourselves, February is almost over.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Upside, Downside, Inside Out

Is it really mid-February already? Really?! I wish I had more exciting news, like " I got a job and ohmygod it's The Awesome!" but the most exciting thing that has happened to me lately is the boy I love buying me the new Vampire Weekend cd which rocks my face off and has replaced the Once soundtrack as my "always on my iPod"'s soooo good, although it does make me wish that it was summer..

Which, since this is all one tangent of tangents anyways, can I say. That not having a stable sense of employment, trudging from interview to interview and temp job to temp job is depressing enough but, literally only having eight minutes of sunshine during the beginning part of February makes it so hard, so hard to get out of bed and keep going. February is always like this, isn't it? One long slog through endless miles of slush....

I am slogging though....I have had countless second interviews for all kinds of places, from high end to kitty litter...Yeah, that's right I interviewed for a coordinator position at a kitty litter company. The interview took two hours (which is a lot of talking about litter in relation to booking travel and organizing invoices..) and at the end of it they gave me a litter removal system of my own (gasp!). The box was almost up to my weight and about 30 pounds, which I hauled through six inches of snow on and off two trains and eventually half carried/ half dragged up the four blocks to my apartment....What a parting gift, huh? AND I didn't get offered the job, which is like insult to injury, or insult after giving a large box to someone which caused them injury (for real my arms were sooo sore the next day!)..On the bright side Ms. Kitty and Ziggy (my step-cat-children) are happy about their new plumbing system, although a bit suspect of an automatic rake that sweeps their left behinds to a secret litter compartment - it must be how humans felt at first about indoor plumbing.

I'm temping right now, with an hour and a half to go until I can run home and be lazy....the best part of a gray February day.....